Results for 'Birgit H. Helander'

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    Die visio intellectualis als Erkenntnisweg und -ziel des Nicolaus Cusanus.Birgit H. Helander - 1988 - Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell International.
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    Nurses as 'guests'– a study of a concept in light of Jacques Derrida's philosophy of hospitality.Stina Öresland, Kim Lutzén, Astrid Norberg, Birgit H. Rasmussen & Sylvia Määttä - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (2):117-126.
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    Meanings of living at home on a ventilator.Berit Lindahl, Per-Olof Sandman & Birgit H. Rasmussen - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (1):19-27.
    Meanings of living at home on a ventilator Nine adults were interviewed in order to illuminate the meanings of being dependent on a ventilator and living at home. The data were analysed using a phenomenological‐hermeneutic method inspired by the philosophy of Ricoeur. Five main themes emerged through the analysis: experiencing home as a safe and comfortable space from which to reach out, experiencing the body as being frail, brave and resilient, striving to live in the present, surrendering oneself to and (...)
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  4. Preparation of gastric cell membranes by zonal density gradient centrifugation.J. G. Spenney, A. Strych, A. H. Price, H. F. Helander & G. Sachs - 1974 - Method. Dev. Biochem 4:309.
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  5. Studies on pulmonary circulation in provoked bronchial asthma.E. Helander, Se Lindell, B. Soderholm & H. Westling - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 58.
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    Integration of predictions and afferent signals in body ownership.Marie Chancel, Birgit Hasenack & H. Henrik Ehrsson - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104722.
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    Ethics Committees at Work: Immortality Through the Fertility Clinic.Frederick H. Lowy, Mary A. Paterson, Francesco De Martis, Arlene Judith Klotzko & Birgit Friedl - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (3):375.
  8. Formal and informal work : the hidden work regime in Europe.Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Lluis Flaquer & Per H. Jensen - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Gender differences in experiential and facial reactivity to approval and disapproval during emotional social interactions.Nicole Wiggert, Frank H. Wilhelm, Birgit Derntl & Jens Blechert - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease.Martin Dyrba, Moritz Hanzig, Slawek Altenstein, Sebastian Bader, Tommaso Ballarini, Frederic Brosseron, Katharina Buerger, Daniel Cantré, Peter Dechent, Laura Dobisch, Emrah Düzel, Michael Ewers, Klaus Fliessbach, Wenzel Glanz, John-Dylan Haynes, Michael T. Heneka, Daniel Janowitz, Deniz B. Keles, Ingo Kilimann, Christoph Laske, Franziska Maier, Coraline D. Metzger, Matthias H. Munk, Robert Perneczky, Oliver Peters, Lukas Preis, Josef Priller, Boris Rauchmann, Nina Roy, Klaus Scheffler, Anja Schneider, Björn H. Schott, Annika Spottke, Eike J. Spruth, Marc-André Weber, Birgit Ertl-Wagner, Michael Wagner, Jens Wiltfang, Frank Jessen & Stefan J. Teipel - unknown
    Background: Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) achieve high diagnostic accuracy for detecting Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, they are not yet applied in clinical routine. One important reason for this is a lack of model comprehensibility. Recently developed visualization methods for deriving CNN relevance maps may help to fill this gap as they allow the visualization of key input image features that drive the decision of the model. We investigated whether models with higher accuracy (...)
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    G.W.F. Hegel: Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik.Birgit Sandkaulen-Bock (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    In seinen Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik hat Hegel einen der wichtigsten und wirkmächtigsten Beiträge zur Ästhetik und Philosophie der Kunst entwickelt. Von der systematischen Klärung der Idee des Schönen über die geschichtliche Unterscheidung der symbolischen, klassischen und romantischen Kunstform bis hin zur Darstellung der einzelnen Künste (Architektur, Skulptur, Malerei, Musik, Poesie) werden alle relevanten Aspekte entfaltet und miteinander vernetzt. Eindrucksvoll ist nicht nur Hegels plastischer Zugriff auf die Fülle konkreten Materials. Bedeutsam ist vor allem sein kulturphilosophischer Ansatz, der die Kunst (...)
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    The persistence of myth as symbolic form: proceedings of an international conference held by the Centre for Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow, 16-18 September 2005.Paul Bishop & Roger H. Stephenson (eds.) - 2008 - Leeds, UK: Maney.
    'Myth has not been really vanquished and subjugated. It is always there, lurking in the dark and waiting for its hour and opportunity' Ernst Cassirer, The Myth of the StateAs a central part of his philosophy of symbolic forms as a form of religious expression, and as a political problematic the question of myth belongs at the heart of Ernst Cassirer's intellectual enterprise. Using a variety of methodological and conceptual approaches, these papers examine the persistence of myth as a symbolic (...)
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    Der Intellektuelle: Rolle, Funktion und Paradoxie: Festschrift für Michael Fischer zum 65. Geburtstag.Michael W. Fischer, Ilse Fischer & Ingeborg Schrems (eds.) - 2010 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Diese Festschrift für Michael Fischer ist ein Patchwork und eine wunderbare Mischung aus Wissenschaft, Persönlichem, Freundschaft und Genuss. Sie setzt sich aus unterschiedlichen und vielseitigen Texten, Zeichnungen und Bildern zusammen, von Menschen, die ihn begleitet haben, manche viele Jahre, manche nur eine kurze, aber entscheidende Zeit. Studentinnen und Studenten, die von ihm gelernt haben, Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die mit ihm Ideen entwickelt, Projekte initiiert und geforscht haben, Freunden aus Kunst und Kultur, Theater, Oper und den Bühnen des Lebens, nämlich: Eric (...)
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  14. Phenomenology as a Resource for Patients.H. Carel - 2012 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 37 (2):96-113.
    Patient support tools have drawn on a variety of disciplines, including psychotherapy, social psychology, and social care. One discipline that has not so far been used to support patients is philosophy. This paper proposes that a particular philosophical approach, phenomenology, could prove useful for patients, giving them tools to reflect on and expand their understanding of their illness. I present a framework for a resource that could help patients to philosophically examine their illness, its impact on their life, and its (...)
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  15. Grundlegung und Kritik: Der Briefwechsel zwischen Schelling und Fichte 1794-1802.Jörg Jantzen, Thomas Kisser & Hartmut Traub (eds.) - 2005 - BRILL.
    InhaltVorwort der Herausgeber Wilhelm G. JACOBS: Einleitung Hartmut TRAUB: Über die Freundschaft – Vier Bemerkungen zum Briefwechsel zwischen Schelling und Fichte Paul ZICHE: Raumkonstruktion, Deduktion der Dimensionen und idealistische Prinzipientheorie Problemlagen im Fichte-Schelling-Briefwechsel vom November 1800Christian KLOTZ: »Synthesis der Geisterwelt«. Fichtes Systemskizze im Briefwechsel mit Schelling Birgit SANDKAULEN: Was heißt Idealismus? Natur- und Transzendentalphilosophie im Übergang zur Identitätsphilosophie Schellings Systemskizze vom 19.11.1800Violetta L. WAIBEL: Fichtes Kritik an Schelling »Alle Wissenschaften sind nur Theile der Wissenschaftslehre« Zu Fichtes Briefen an Schelling (...)
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    Mawqif al-fikr al-ḥadāthī al-ʻArabī min uṣūl al-istidlāl fī al-Islām: dirāsah taḥlīlīyah naqdīyah.Muḥammad ibn Ḥajar Quranī - 2013 - al-Riyāḍ: Majallat al-Bayān.
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  17. Sefer ḥasidim.he-Ḥasid Judah ben Samuel - 1955 - Edited by Abraham A. [From Old Catalog] Price.
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    Ḥurrīyat al-ʻaql al-ḍāʼiʻah.Ḥasan ʻAlī Yūnus - 2019 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Nahḍah al-ʻArabīyah.
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  19. Taking property rights seriously: The case of climate change: Jonathan H. Adler.Jonathan H. Adler - 2009 - Social Philosophy and Policy 26 (2):296-316.
    The dominant approach to environmental policy endorsed by conservative and libertarian policy thinkers, so-called “free market environmentalism”, is grounded in the recognition and protection of property rights in environmental resources. Despite this normative commitment to property rights, most self-described FME advocates adopt a utilitarian, welfare-maximization approach to climate change policy, arguing that the costs of mitigation measures could outweigh the costs of climate change itself. Yet even if anthropogenic climate change is decidedly less than catastrophic, human-induced climate change is likely (...)
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    A History of the Council of Trent.H. F. Kearney - 1961 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 11:283-285.
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    Are two cues always better than one? The role of multiple intra-sensory cues compared to multi-cross-sensory cues in children's incidental category learning.H. Broadbent, T. Osborne, D. Mareschal & N. Kirkham - 2020 - Cognition 199 (C):104202.
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    The nature of measurement, and the true value of a measured quantity.H. Kirkham, A. Riepnieks, M. Albu & D. Laverty - 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC).
    The words 'true value' assume an existential relationship with the thing being measured. There is assumed to exist some aspect of the thing being measured that is independent of its relationship to the person who is interested in the result of the measurement. Yet measurement is a response to the need of an observer to know something about the real world. There is therefore an epistemological aspect to measurement. Some aspect of measurement has to do with the observer as a (...)
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    Early Psychoanalytic Religious Writings.H. Newton Malony & Edward P. Shafranske (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    _Early Psychoanalytic Religious Writings_ presents, in one edited volume, many of the foundational writings in the psychoanalytic study of religion. These translated works by Abraham, Fromm, Pfister, and others, complement Freud’s seminal contributions and provide a unique window into the origins of psychoanalytic thinking.
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    Procrustes, or the future of flexibility.H. Visser - 1993 - In René J. Jorna, Barend van Heusden & Roland Posner (eds.), Signs, Search and Communication: Semiotic Aspects of Artificial Intelligence. De Gruyter. pp. 201-212.
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    Suʼāl al-ḥadāthah wa-al-tanwīr: bayna al-fikr al-Gharbī wa-al-fikr al-ʻArabī.Fatīḥah Būraḥlah & Khadījah Zatīlī (eds.) - 2013 - al-Rabāṭ: Dār al-Amān.
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    Zawāhir al-ḥikam: "bakhsh-i ilāhīyāt".Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓī - 2012 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān. Edited by Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Razzāq Lāhījī.
    Criticism and interpretation of Zawāhir al-ḥikam by Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Razzāq Lāhījī, 1635 or 1636-1709 or 1710; Islamic philosophy - Early works to 1800; Shīʻah - Doctrines - Early works to 1800.
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  27. Agon: Towards a Theory of Revisionism.H. BLOOM - 1982
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  28. The Uncanny Advantage of Using Androids in Social and Cognitive Science Resarch.H. Ishiguro - 2006 - Interaction Studies 7 (3):297-337.
  29. In Memory of Donald H. Berman 1935–1997.Donald H. Berman - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 5:177-178.
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    Ekh li-venot ḥayim =.Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto - 2018 - Yerushalayim: Sife Magid, hotsaʼat Ḳoren. Edited by Hadar Goldin.
    Studying Mesilat Yesharim with Hadar Goldin.
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  31. Ganj-i k̲h̲ūbī.Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓ Kāshifī - 1966 - [Delhi,: Shuʻbah-yi Urdū, Dihlī Yūnīvarsiṭī. Edited by Mīr Amman Dihlavī.
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    Risālah-ʼi Ḥātamīyah: nivishtah shudah dar 891 H.Q = Risālah-yi Ḥatamiyah: written in 891 A.H.Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓ Kāshifī - 2016 - Tihrān: Markaz-i Pizhūhishī-i Mīrās̲-i Maktūb. Edited by Bāqir Qurbānī Zarrīn.
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  33. Rifāʻī kashkol: daʻvatī, iṣlāḥī, fikrī va maʻlūmātī maz̤āmīn.Shāh Qādirī Sayyid Musṭafá Rifāʻī Jīlānī Nadvī - 2009 - Lakhnaʼū: Idārah-yi Iḥyāe ʻIlm va Daʻvat.
    Articles; chiefly on Islamic ethics and conveying non Muslims for Islam.
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    al-Jafāf al-rūḥī: qirāʻah fī al-asbāb wa-al-ʻilājāt (fī thawbihi al-jadīd).ʻAbd Allāh Ghurayfī - 2021 - [Beirut?]: Maktabat al-Imām al-Muntaẓar (ʻAjj) al-Thaqāfīyah.
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    Mabānī-i falsafī-i tafsīr-i ḥuqūqī.Ḥasan Jaʻfarīʹtabār - 2004 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Sihāmī-i Intishār.
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    What America Owes the World: The Struggle for the Soul of Foreign Policy.H. W. Brands - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    For two hundred years, Americans have believed that they have an obligation to improve the lot of humanity, a belief that has consistently shaped U.S. foreign policy. Yet within this consensus, there are two competing schools of thought: the "exemplarist" school (Brands' term) which holds that what America chiefly owes the world is the benign example of a well-functioning democracy, and the "vindicationist" school which argues that force must sometimes supplement a good example. In this book, H.W. Brands traces the (...)
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  37. Falsafat al-tadayyun: al-ṭuruq ilá Allāh fī ʻālam mutaḥawwil.Ḥabīb Fayyāḍ - 2023 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Fārābī.
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  38. Sefer Derekh H.: Ha-Mevoʼar.Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto - 2006 - Yerushalayim: Eliyahu Roṭ. Edited by Eliyahu Roṭ.
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  39. al-Ittijāh al-siyāsī ʻinda Ibn Ḥazm al-Andalusī.Najāḥ Muḥsin - 1999 - al-Haram [Giza]: ʻAyn lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Insānīyah wa-al-Ijtimāʻīyah.
  40. al-Manhaj al-ʻilmī al-ḥadīth.Ḥāmid Ḥifnī Dāwūd - 1964
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  41. Sefer Mesharim ahevukha: hilkhot ahavat H.: gidre ha-mitsṿah ṿe-ofane ḳiyumah, ha-mevoʼarim be-divre rabotenu..Yosef Ḥayim Dayan - 2010 - Yerushalayim: Mosheh Ḥai.
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    Prof. Dr. A. H. de Hartog uit "Redelijkheid der religie" [en] "De Heilsfeiten".A. H. De Hartog - 1938 - Synthese 3 (12):490 - 492.
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  43. Falāsifat al-ḥukm wa-al-idārah fī al-ʻaṣr al-Islāmī al-wasīṭ: al-Jāḥiẓ, al-Thaʻālibī, Niẓām al-Mulk al-Ṭūsī, Ibn Jamāʻah, Ibn al-Azraq.Najāḥ Muḥsin - 2013 - [al-Qāhirah]: al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kitāb.
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    ʻAqlānīyat al-ḥadāthah: muqārabah li-mafhūm al-nūr al-ṭabīʻī ʻinda Dīkārt.Sufyān Saʻd Allāh - 2015 - Tūnis: Manshūrāt Kārim al-Sharīf.
    Descartes, René, 1596-1650; Modern philosophy.
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    Human: Substance, Relationship, Choice, Value and Nature.H. A. Phillips - 2012 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 37 (4):325-330.
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    Le souvenir du présent et la fausse reconnaissance.H. Bergson - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 66:561 - 593.
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    Simon says: The development of imitation in an enculturated orangutan.H. Lyn Miles, Robert W. Mitchell & Stephen E. Harper - 1996 - In A. Russon, Kim A. Bard & S. Parkers (eds.), Reaching Into Thought: The Minds of the Great Apes. Cambridge University Press. pp. 278--299.
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    Patient Truthfulness: A Test of Models of the Physician-Patient Relationship.H. Y. Vanderpool & G. B. Weiss - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (4):353-372.
    Little attention has been given in medical ethics literature to issues relating to the truthfulness of patients. Beginning with an actual medical case, this paper first explores truth-telling by doctors and patients as related to two prominent models of the physician-patient relationship. Utilizing this discussion and the literature on the truthfulness and accuracy of the information patients convey to doctors, these models are then critically assessed. It is argued that the patient agency (patient autonomy or contractual) model is inherently and (...)
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  49. (1 other version)L'évolution des lois.H. Poincaré - 1911 - Scientia 5 (9):275.
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  50. Aʻlām al-mubdiʻīn min ʻulamāʼ al-ʻArab wa-al-Muslimīn: Qurʼān, fiqh, taṣawwuf, Ḥadīth, qaḍāʼ, sharīʻah, farāʼiḍ, falak, falsafah, fīzyāʼ, firāsah, fikr, funūn.ʻAlī ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ - 2010 - Bayrūt: Dār Ibn Ḥazm.
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